Stuck on You

The Science: People usually think of bacteria as single celled organisms, but many kinds of bacteria like to live together!  Bacteria live together in structures that are mixtures of cells and adhesive molecules called biofilms. Living in a biofilm makes it easier for bacteria to capture nutrients, exchange genetic information and can protect the bacteria from antibiotics or from drying out.  It takes a lot of energy to make a biofilm and so bacteria float around and don’t bother to make one unless there are a lot of other bacteria around.  The way they can tell how many other bacteria are around is through a process called “quorum sensing”.  Basically, the bacteria call out to each other with chemical signals that they detect with receptors in their cells. Once it gets “loud enough,” they turn on genes that help them start making sticky stuff that holds them together.  Probably the most famous biofilm in our bodies is the plaque on our teeth.  This song is a love song about quorum sensing!

The Lyrics:

When I’m alone/ there is nothing I want to do./ I just sit by myself./ I just drift by myself.

But when I’m with you/ everything changes/ you turn me on.


Now I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

And I can’t can’t can’t can’t get loose

I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

You turn me on.


When you’re nearby/ I can sense that you’re around/ I can sense you deep inside/ Feel you’re near me deep inside

And when you’re close/ I want to keep you close/ I’m stuck on you.


Now I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

And I can’t can’t can’t can’t get loose

I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

You turn me on.


I’ll never make it on my own (Let’s stick together)

I get so scared when I’m alone (Let’s stick together)

There’s just so much that we can do (When we’re together)

Let’s stick together, me and you!


Now I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

And I can’t can’t can’t can’t get loose

I’m stuck stuck stuck stuck on you

You turn me on.